Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Strange is the way of the world. All our acquaintances were once strangers. But in a short course of time we develop bonds – of friendship, of relationship, of love and beyond. Nobody sees it coming, but we eventually get so linked with a stranger that it becomes amusing to even think that the same person was once a stranger.
I have always wondered in awe and amazement at the ways we get linked to each other. How the games of life make our lives intertwined in such fanciful fashions. Until yesterday we would have walked past each other without the slightest tint of acknowledgement, but then, in a few numbered days, we go on to develop such impenetrable bonds of love and respect.
In every phase of life, we come across strangers. From school to college, we've always added on to our bandwagon of 'friends'. With some we go on to stay in touch for the rest of our life. They suddenly become so close to our heart that our every thought finds an echo in theirs. Though clichéd, it is so true that the best of moments spent are in silence. When without speaking a word, the mere sight of a person brings in such overbearing joy in us. And when words start flowing, it will keep flowing tirelessly and endlessly.
One of the true blessings of life is to find a true friend who can understand you and in whom you can find peace and solace. In every walk of life, at every stage, in all moment, we would need good company. I for one have been truly blessed in this regard. Whether in school, or college, in hostel or at work, I have had the privilege of having some remarkable people by my side. In whom I can trust to regain my pride, should I lose it, to life me up, when I fall, to help me out, whenever I've needed, without me even asking.
I can't thank God enough for sowing my life with such splendid souls… Like I've always said, I couldn't have asked Him for anything more…


Anonymous said...

True man... Like they say "Strangers are friends we have not met yet" :)

-=A.R.N.=- said...

Hmm, is it just me or is the post slightly hinting towards something a little different?

Anonymous said...

well, its true but its rarely true for the same bond to continue forever... friendships arising from circumstances may not always be strong enough to continue when the glue(circumstance) dries out.

Ayesha Parveen said...

A beautiful post. True friends are very rare and you are very fortunate to have really good friends.

Just one word..we should try not to become emotionally dependent on friends because, as co-commentator "Kuriosity" has implied, some friends cease to be friends after some years.

Thanks for this post, Issam. Have a nice day :)


A New Beginning said...

Ver True Issam, one feel blessed if we have good friends by our side. Its a treat of life and a great way to enjoy every moment as it comes, without it being a burden on us, since we kw that there would be someone to listen without judging, would accept us without applying any condition, would accept us for who we are.
Good friends sure are a blessing and I hope and and pray that each one os us are blessed with good company, now and forever.
Thanks for the lovely thought provoking post :)

Unknown said...

very rightly said :)

It's just you :P... no pun intended whatsoever :D

Unknown said...

You have a point. We might not always have the same bond. But we would always remain friends. Wish good for each other.
It's only circumstances that blends us and as with friendship, i feel our heart will always stay close to our close friends. :)
Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts :)
Do share more of your thoughts...

Unknown said...

Very true...Too much of emotions will always hurt :)

Blessings they are :)

Writers Anonymous said...

Nice post! Your post reminded me of a thought I read somewhere: The best friend is the one with whom you sit silently for a long while and when you get up, you feel you have had the best conversation.

Unknown said...

Thanks for dropping by...best of friends can even speak in silence :)

Mohammed Musthafa said...

Wow...excellent writing! especially this line...
"In whom I can trust to regain my pride, should I lose it, to lift me up, when I fall, to help me out, whenever I've needed, without me even asking. "

I completely agree with u....

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot... :) I am sure you are also blessed with many such wonderful friends

AMIT said...

Very good blog written.Thanks for sharing.

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