Can we join a torn leaf? Can we ever breathe lost life into the trees? Or can we stop it from happening? None of it; leaves will fall and grow again. They fall and they grow and they go about this in perfect peace. There is no grief in their shedding, nor is there merriment when they are back on. That’s how things are with voiceless creations.
Alas, we humans are full of emotions. Every now and then we have to acknowledge certain realities – shall I call it the set laws of nature. All of us know it, yet it is so difficult to accept it. It’s only when circumstances are forced upon us, that we even realize the need to accept it; needless to say, it arrives unannounced most of the time. Not all of us are blessed with a peaceful passage. And sudden departures are what hurt the most.
It’s when our loved and dear ones depart that the world around us changes. We sway from one end to another, asking questions to our own selves, sometimes questioning every aspect of the belief we hold in life. Searching for unavailable answers, we go into rage or indifference, depending on our moods. The meaning we gave to our life suddenly changes. The reason with which we survived thus far vanishes in an instant.
The sudden blankness only adds to our confusion. The abrupt darkness leaves a void within us. To leave someone whom we so dearly adored is not only painful, but crucifying. It is not physical pain, rather a mental torture. To finally come in terms with reality involves herculean effort. It is almost like breathing second life into our own selves. Bereft of the inseparable love, affected with sudden slavery, we have to implore every bit of strength within us to stand firm again.
Time they say erases all pain, but etched memories can never be touched upon. The days of past can never be relived. The joys experienced can never be felt again. The sound and smell though, may bring with it those memories, teasing us for while. For a while we may float in the days of yore, but not for long. After all, even our loved ones would not want us to do that. They would only have wanted us to grow in strength.
Here is where true strength and courage comes in. To stay tall and face the wind in the face; fight through the walls of grief and emerge as a stronger person; to grow to heights so as to give light to others; to be a reason of joy, of happiness and glee. I have been through smaller waves. It was difficult. But with the help of God, we can emerge stronger. I pray to God to give strength to all in pain, to help them come out stronger.
I salute the spirit of all those who come out truly stronger. Not many face early jolts in life, so sudden to even evaporate ever inch of our spirit. To come out of such jolts, definitely require enormous strength and valor. But I am sure we can stand through every adversity, for I believe everything happens with a purpose and never will He lay upon us a burden greater than what we can bear.
Peace to all!
Photo : flickr - here
Nice post man .To grieve the loss of a loved one is a normal process... of course one doesn't grieve forever.. It dependents on the person.. few ppl get over the loss quickly and move on but few take time.. but it is only important that the person doesn't get in to some depression..
When some one grieves, it doesn't mean that the person is less strong... To cope up with the loss dear one is very tough.. With the help and family and friends around you, you come out of denial and slowly start accepting things..
like u said, death is the only true reality.. :)
"never will He lay upon us a burden greater than what we can bear." Very true Issam. Sometimes we become so thankless that we start blaming him for the problems in our life, we never realise the fact that the problems that we face are because of our own endeavours.There are so many who are much more in pain.
Death is the only true reality for sure, and one should prepare oneself in such a way that our deeds give us a peaceful sleep by the end of our journey. LiFE is a test and a difficult one at that..those who pass understand the duty of living a fruitful life.
Thanks for such a thought provoking post.
Death is one of the most complicated parts of life. it is the only thing that is abrupt... that is final. it is philosophical... but what is most scary is it is physically present right in front of you. you can see it! it is reality. whether it is the only reality i'm not sure. but it is a reality.
"Time they say erases all pain, but etched memories can never be touched upon." Very well said!
Time is indeed the cruellest teacher. Life moves on, times goes by but sometimes we are left standing at the same place...even if we move there is an emptiness that stays behind...
Thanks for sharing such an inspiring post.
your post reminded me the philosophies of The Holy Quran .
For some reason, that picture of the leaf and that first sentence,
"Can we join a torn leaf.."
seems extremely powerful in its own way.
JazakAllah khair for reminding..
Very true. To grieve is natural and with time and help people will slowly accept reality
"LiFE is a test and a difficult one at that..those who pass understand the duty of living a fruitful life" - very very true :)
Yes bro. It is a reality which we all of us have to acknowledge.
Emptiness will remain :(...
Thank you. Let's keep reminding each other :)
May Allah bless you as well.
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