Friday, January 16, 2009

Reflections of a saddened heart

My faith teaches me a story. It’s about the very first fight that happened on the face of this planet. It was between two brothers born out of the same womb.

One was not pleased with the bounty bestowed upon the other and so he took out his anger on him. The result was the survival of only one. At the end of the fight, the surviving brother was covered with remorse and regret; so much so that he started cursing himself for his deed and he didn’t even know what to do with the dead corpse lying in front of him.

We’ve come a long way from there. Reasons have multiplied and our own desires have lost all limits. Human life lost its worth in its entirety. In the name of war, we spilt blood and blew heads. Killing became a way of proving ones own virility and the most respected one was the most prudent one – in taking lives that is. Heroes were born and characters sketched. Poets wrote them odes and artists painted them in immortality. Leaders and Kings were their names. Only time bore testimony to the lives lost and buried deep beneath.
Then we progressed or so we thought. We came off ages and sought for ourselves our territories and boundaries. Men learnt words and thought to have gained wisdom deprived to those before. He made rules and framed constitutions. The offenders were to be punished and reformed. Societies took shape and civilization further flourished. Attention turned to science and technology. Laboratories and experimentation gave the world newer things. We prided over the latest inventions and danced in its glory.
But not an iota of change did all of the revolution do to the soul residing beneath the fleshes. For whatever advancements we may claim to have made, our vices continue to negate them refusing to lend it any true meaning. Even today, we continue to fight succumbing to our animal nature just like the two brothers.
Only that we don’t even realize our folly at the end of it for we think we have succeeded by causing the end of lives which we detest. No feeling of remorse resides in us any more. No guilt or sadness ever accompanies us. We have truly assailed over the walls of impregnability and achieved what none of our forefathers have - the ability to turn blind and deaf towards evil wholesomely without the slightest of hurt showing in us.
Be it Gaza or be it Mumbai, human lives have been treated like worthless sacks. Bombarding and bombing at their will, insanity seems to have taken over all sense.


Mohammed Musthafa said...


you've got a really strong narrative voice....allows us to understand the sorrow you feel as you talk about human nature...

really liked it...

btw...take a look at my blog:

Unknown said...

Thanks Musthafa.
I will definitely check out your blog...

Ajai said...

Hey my man. Nice of you to write an article on something so thought provoking. Sometimes I feel the same way you do. Only.. let's not lament about it like everyone else. That doesn't serve any purpose other than spreading more negativity and depression. It's important to move forward. Very few people feel the way you do. And even fewer actually have the courage to put them in words. But more is required. So I'm looking forward to more from you. : )

Unknown said...

Yeah dude... I really want to do more... Like you said, no point brooding, we have to move on. So I am... with the hope that I can do something.